Monday, May 15, 2006

Wir müssen ein Rennen von den Übermenschen bilden.

"We must build a race of supermen"

A professor at Case Western RTeserve has gotten a grant to develop "ethical" guidelines for genetic human enhancement. The scholar, Maxwell Mehlman, is a apparently a supporter of "transhumanism," a worldview that human nature is " a work-in-progress, a half-baked beginning that we can learn to remold in desirable ways." Self-improvement, however, is not in our souls or in our hearts, but in our genes and biochemistry.

The faith that we "half-baked" humans would use this "power" wisely is frighteningly naive and stridently ahistorical.


  1. Anonymous4:19 PM

    And the left thinks conservative Christians are going the way of Hitler...

  2. Not all of them, Dean. But you can't deny that there are fanatics out there that would like a world that would be frighteningly similar.

  3. And, I agree Mr. Esenberg. Genetic human enhancement is frightening. That someone is actually dreaming up "ethical" standards for it is even more so.
