Monday, August 28, 2006

Mack is back in town

Blogging was slow because I have gotten crazy busy, but it stopped because I have spent the last week in Oregon for a family wedding. I didn't even have time to say that I would be gone. When I got out there, my laptop turned up dead.

But I did spend a lot of time working on getting witnesses for the public TV marriage amendment trial. I think it'll be a pretty good exposition of the issues presented by the amendment. I am certainly happy with what I have.


  1. Sorry to hear about your laptop. Glad to have you back, though; I was starting to worry.

  2. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Too bad you didn't stay in Oregon.

  3. Anonymous7:38 PM


    Our work was done for this trip anon. There are now several new recovering libs in Oregon. Yes.
