Saturday, May 31, 2008

Marriage amendment survives first challenge

Judge Richard Niess' decision to reject a challenge to the manner in which Wisconsin's amendment banning same sex marriage was enacted is not surprising. The issue before the court was whether the amendment, which provides that "only a marriage between one man and one women shall be valid or recognized in the state" and that a " legal status identical or substantially similar to that of marriage for unmarried individuals" shall also not be valid or recognized, should have been broken into two and voted upon separately. That argument was based upon Art. XII, sec. 12, which requires that "that if more than one amendment be submitted, they shall be submitted in such manner that the people may vote for or against such
amendments separately." The idea was that the amendment banned both same sex marriage and civil unions and these ought to be regarded as separate amendments.

The problem with that view is that requiring separate votes one separate but related propositions would probably invalidate most of the amendments to the state constitution, some of which are far more complex and contain multiple provisions expressing different legal principles. Thus, the Wisconsin Supreme Court has held that "[i]t is within the discretion of the legislature to submit several distinct propositions to the electorate as one constitutional amendment if they relate to the same subject matter and are designed to accomplish one general purpose."

Under that standard, rejection of the Art. XII, sec. 2 challenge was an easy matter.

It is still possible that someone will challenge the amendment as contrary to the federal constitution (I think that challenge will be unsuccessful) and, of course, there are a series of potential questions as to its scope.


  1. Anonymous3:24 AM

    Way to go same sex marriage, no civil unions, no domestic health benefits for same sex couples as well as other benefits like hospital visitation and transfer of property/pensions upon death of a partner. Way to go Wisconsinites, write that discrimination into your precious constitution. Lets keep gay people out of Wisconsin and make your state so unattractive that no gay people would want to settle there....Why don't you also amend your state motto from Forward to Backwards. A rust bucket state with the distinction of having one of the most segregated cities, Milwaukee, in the United States. Wisconsin the state of Intolerance. Keep on blogging with such an academic and intellectual flair as you wallow in your intolerance. I left Wisconsin in 1981 for San Francisco, when I come back to visit I only see a state which has become a shadow. California milk, butter and cheese doesn't have that nasty after taste of intolerance like said products from Wisconsin. Gay people wise up boycott products from Wisconsin. You do your former Governor Lee Dreyfus proud who, in 1982, signed the nation's first civil rights legislation barring discrimination for gays and lesbians in jobs and housing. Hey why not rewrite your constitution to allow discrimination in housing and jobs toward gay people?

  2. Anonymous8:02 AM

    anon 3:24
    You don't live in Wisconsin so why are you so worked up about it?
    A little over-dramatic post I'd say seeing as how you live where you can have those things that you want.
    Including tolerant cheese.

  3. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Because it saddens me to see how things have gone backward in Wisconsin as I still have many friends the same time I am glad I made the decision in my youth to leave

  4. Anonymous8:28 AM

    To clarify a little more I have a gay brother in Wisconsin and although he has been with his partner for 30 years, they cannot even get health insurance as partners....I have been with my partner for 21 years...on 2-14-1991 San Francisco started domestic partners...and California has domestic partners, my partner and I have health insurance from my employer, we have hospital visitation rights, when one of us passes on the other will automatically get title to the house and we are allowed to file a joint state tax return. A tale of two brothers one living in an intolerant state with rights restricted that the other is granted as I live in a state of tolerance

  5. Anonymous12:57 PM

    We're glad about your decision as well.

  6. Anonymous2:44 PM

    of course intolerant folks seek to live with likeminded intolerant folks......guess that is why Wisconsin is so diverse and also why Milwaukee is such an integrated city

  7. Rick:

    I understand you probably feel you spent enough time on the merits of a ban, but you never responded to my arguments in that lengthy comment thread.

    Anyway in 25 years this provision will be a relic.

  8. Anonymous3:02 AM

    I see Rick you are affiliated with the Alliance Defense Fund an organization with conservative christian ties that is antigay and espouses gay people can be made straight.....further from another blog I see...."The picture becomes clearer when we note that Esenberg has begun working with the Alliance Defense Fund, which has been at the forefront in pushing bans across the country. He contributes to their blog, Constitutionally Correct.Esenberg works with an organization passionately opposed to providing gay families with any measure of fair treatment. So when he says that the Wisconsin ban wouldn't touch gay families' health care--when he offers an interpretation counter to the one put forth by ADF attorneys across the country--count me as deeply skeptical."
    Wow Rick now I understand your bias towards gays

  9. Anonymous3:04 AM

    Alliance Defense Fund

    Founded by a group of high-profile Religious Right leaders such as D. James Kennedy and James Dobson, the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) sees itself as a counter to the ACLU. As a legal group, it assists and augments the efforts of other right-wing groups to “keep the door open for the spread of the Gospel.” The ADF has been active on issues including pushing “marriage protection,” exposing the “homosexual agenda” and fighting the supposed “war on Christmas.”

    Alliance Defense Fund
    15333 N. Pima Road - Suite 165
    Scottsdale AZ 85260

    Founders: Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade for Christ; Larry Burkett, founder of Christian Financial Concepts; Rev. James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family; Rev. D. James Kennedy, founder of Coral Ridge Ministries; Marlin Maddoux, President of International Christian Media; Don Wildmon, founder of American Family Association; and 25+ other ministries.
    Founded: 1994
    President and General Counsel: Alan Sears
    Officers, Directors, Trustees, and Key Employees: Alan Sears, Wayne N. Swindler, Marv McCarthy
    Other Staff: 38 employees
    Finances: $15,744,101 (2003 budget)
    Major Donors: Bill and Berniece Grewcock Foundation, Richard and Helen DeVos Foundation, Bradley Foundation.

  10. Anon 3:02

    I don't know what you think you understand. I have worked with ADF on projects of mutual interest, one of which was the Wisconsin marriage amendment. They provided me with some introductions to people who are involved in the issue nationally. I got no money whatsoever. I contributed a few times to their blog but got too busy to keep that up.

    I do not agree with every position ADF takes and some of this disagreement surrounds the marriage amendment. My guess is that most people working with ADF take the traditional position of the Abrahamic faiths that homosexuality is sinful. I don't share that view. I believe that ADF would take the position that the Wisconsin marriage amendment prohibits the government from extending benefits to the partners of gay and lesbian employees. I have said repeatedly (including during the campaign) that I don't think it does, although I do think it forestalls any argument that government is required to do so by Article I, section 1 of the Wisconsin Constitution - an issue currently working its way through the courts.

    ADF, by the way, does not necessarily oppose anything that would prohibit addressing the practical problems raised by same sex couples. It has supported laws or employment schemes that would recognize any mutually dependent relationship of two people. It just doesn't want qualification for any such non-marital relationship to turn on whether the two people are having sex.

  11. [The ADF] just doesn't want qualification for any such non-marital relationship to turn on whether the two people are having sex.

    How would the ADF know?

  12. most people working with ADF take the traditional position of the Abrahamic faiths that homosexuality is sinful

    Umnnnhhh...for at least THIS blogger/Abrahamic faith-type, I must demur.

    "Homosexuality" is not sinful. Homosexual intercourse IS.

    Big difference.

  13. "Homosexuality" is not sinful.

    I thought lust was supposedly sinful (although he says "woman").

    How would you even know whether somebody was a homosexual unless you had some indication that their sexual attraction (i.e., lust) was for members of the same gender?

    I bet Rock Hudson fooled you for years.

    And, why the scare quotes?

    Homosexual intercourse IS.

    Don't do it then.

  14. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Gay marriage and civil unions do not automatically provide the right to visits in hospitals, transer of property and acting as guardian or authorize someone to act as their health care agent in case of a emergency. Individuals need to take the proper steps and prepare the necessary paperwork. My brother is gay; has had one partner for 27 years. They own property together, are each other's health care agents, are each other guardian's in case of temporary or long-term incompetency and are each other beneficiary's on their estates and insurance. They do not have health care together. They have taken the steps necessary to ensure each other is named and included; which is sitting down with an attorney and completing the necessary documentation. Visit in hospitals cannot be restricted; limited sometimes because of the critical issue of the patient.
    Don't buy into all of the hype and misinformation. Whether you are in a heterosexual or same sex relationship, if you don't name your beneficiary, select your health care representative, select a guardian in case of incompetency ; you have chosen to ignore some very basic steps and prepare for emergencies and end of life.

  15. anonymous,
    Have you not heard of lawyers, living wills and power of attorneys?

  16. P.S.
    The absolute beauty of the United States of America is, you can move or relocate anytime you choose.
    Just like those that find living in San Fransisco repugnant...

  17. There are many fine organizations that are protecting religious freedom. Do you want to research all of them?
    Have at it!

  18. Anonymous3:38 PM

    I hope that all Wisconsinites may someday may enjoy all the rights that Cailfornians have. So I wish you all well from San Francisco

  19. Contrary to what you believe, I choose to live in Wisconsin because it is a great place to raise a family.
    I do not now or have I ever envied the people of San Fransisco!
    Quite the opposite

  20. Anonymous5:28 PM

    what a bed of intolerance sad........

  21. How would you even know whether somebody was a homosexual unless you had some indication that their sexual attraction (i.e., lust) was for members of the same gender?

    I don't. And I don't care.

    I bet Rock Hudson fooled you for years.

    Never knew the guy. Did you?

    And, why the scare quotes?

    For clarification. It's a concept with which you should become acquainted.

  22. I don't [know whether somebody is a homosexual]. And I don't care [whether somebody is a homosexual].

    Well, good. That makes two of us. So we won't care whether their private, intimate relationships are afforded legal recognition on equal protection grounds. Thanks for acquainting me with the clarification.

  23. Anonymous3:42 PM

    it said -

    "equal protection grounds"

    I beg your pardon it, but homosexuals are not the same as heterosexuals.

  24. Anonymous4:11 PM

    FYI same sex marriage is going to begin 6-17-2008 in California. California has no residency requirement; I would like to invite same-sex Wisconites to come out here get married and go back to Wisconsin and sue for recognition

  25. So we won't care whether their private, intimate relationships are afforded legal recognition on equal protection grounds

    Wrong-o, pianobreath.

    I do not care about 'private, intimate relationships'--but I DO care about the LegalPostivistNazi arrogance: attempting to re-write natural law.

  26. Wrong-o, pianobreath.


    Well, we'll leave it at that then, because Lord only knows where your "natural law" draws its bright lines bisecting the continuums of sexuality and gender.

  27. Anonymous11:05 AM

    anon 4:11 -

    There is good reason to believe that the petition to stay the court ruling will be should not be encourgaging people to waste their time and money.

    Furthermore, the marriage amendment will overturn the ruling this November.

  28. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Just turned on the news and heard that the California Court denied the stay. The tyrants do not care in California...we need to replace all the liberal judges in Courts throughout the country.

  29. Anonymous2:50 PM

    GM is closing a plant in Wi and your fussing about same sex marrige in have made Wi an unfriendly place for gays by amending your state constitution.....a rust bucket state that is losing jobs while you sit with your intolerance towards gays....sad

  30. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Anon 2:50 -

    Do you morally object to any sexual preferences that some people have?

  31. Anonymous10:40 PM

    if you had a an adult child or grandchild who was gay what should be their place in society.....
    you know its easy to rail against those you dont like until it is someone in your family......look at our very conservative VP Dick Cheney.....lesbisn daughter in a same sex relationship with a daughter

  32. Anonymous10:44 PM

    if you think gay marriage is such a threat to the institution of marriage why not make a constitutional amendment to the federal constitution making divorce illegal.....

  33. Anonymous10:11 AM

    anon 10:40 & 10:44 -

    Okay, should we try another question? Why does the gay community get so upset with someone that comes out of it?

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