Obama's war on Fox News is just plain stupid. It is, of course, utterly without merit. Fox News offers reportage and shows featuring opinion journalism and interviews hosted by conservatives. The news hours are fairly straightforward and even the opinion shows tend to feature a diverse set of guests. In this, I fail to see any distinction between Fox and, say, MNBC where the hosts tend to be liberal. Keith Olberman and Rachel Maddow are not any more "mainstream" or "objective" or "civil" than the Fox hosts.
But put that aside. You have a reputation for being coddled by the media. You are increasingly obtaining a reputation for being prickly when challenged? Why would you underscore those impressions by picking a fight with a news network who is "too critical"?
And why would you create a martyr? People in the TV news business will tell you that the Fox audience is far more politically diverse than that of the other cable news networks. Maybe that's why the administration feels the need to marginalize it, but isn't the greater danger that you will simply seem paranoid and imperious. Maybe "Nixonian" doesn't have the freight it once did, but the character flaws that it stood for are still very unattractive.
Watch the continuing deterioration of ObamaRatings to understand the Chicago (FIB) tactics.
ReplyDeleteOnly problem: now the boyzzzz are almost out of ammo---and even the MSM is awakened, temporarily.
Oh yes, Faux News--fair and balanced. Go ahead, Shark, keep believing that.
ReplyDeleteI notice that Prof. Esenberg did not take the opportunity to deny that he is regularly given free lunch by lobbyists and shadowy interests. I'm not saying he eats the lunch, but if it’s not true, why have we not heard a denial of the rumors that he's been supping with lobbyists? Esenberg should just come out and denounce it already. I mean, really? Is it that hard to put the rumors to bed? All he has to say is, "I'm Richard Esenberg, and I didn't eat the free lunch." That's it. That's all he has to do, but he hasn't done it. It worries me. Hey, I'm just asking the question. Are he and Obama doing this just to overwhelm the system? I don't know, I'm just asking the question. His administration is the most ineffective in our nation's history. All those people, giving free lunches and making videos. Can you believe it? I just love my country. And I fear for it. And it's all designed to overwhelm the system.
ReplyDeleteWhat is Foust talking about?
ReplyDeleteThe generation that blames everyone else.
I think some of the people born in the sixties are the problem. Anyone that has hired and managed them will tell you the same thing. You hire them to do a job and then they complain that they have to do it themselves without you giving help.
They tell you anything, they do not keep their word, their always trying to get away with something, they do not think they have to follow the rules unless someone makes them and you cannot trust them. A young man of twenty eight told me the same thing a couple weeks ago.
I am not sure but the drug culture of the sixties may have had something to do with it. Obama seems typical of that generation.
I think what Foust wrote is a good example that he may have been born in the sixties.
Also the FEMA death camps.
ReplyDeleteObama the Fox-hunter
ReplyDeleteThere is a wiley old Fox,
About Obama it talks,
“It just isn’t fair,”
He says with a glare,
“My feelings, it hurts, when it mocks.”
Well, dear Old Dad, John was simply doing what the folks on Faux News does. . .stretch, stretch, and stretch the truth to make it all look slightly evil, wrong, and criminal. At least John didn't state the Shark was a Democrat.
ReplyDeleteYou definitely have a future. Pretty good.
And MSNBC always speaks the truth, fair and balanced reporting right anon?
"O tempora! O mores!", Anonymous. I don't quite get the screed, though. If I was born in the Sixties, I certainly wasn't in charge in the Sixties (unless you count handing out the chocolate milk after recess) and couldn't vote until '78. So which generation was running things back then?
ReplyDeleteI do my best Glenn Beck imitation and the oldsters don't get it.
The meme du jour is just part of the fun around here, although being accused of talking like a Democrat is pretty funny considering I was talking like Glenn Beck.
I mean, even Dad29 uses extra 'z's, so he must be cool like that.
I blame the new edit pop-up. I'm signed in, and it calls me anonymous.
ReplyDeleteWhat is Foust talking about?
ReplyDeleteGeorge, that's a question that many have asked, and none have ever answered.