Sunday, February 07, 2010

Songs for Super Bowl Sunday

So we start with a New Orleans song. There are many. I rule out anything related to Katrina. Too easy. One the best New Orleans songs is "House of the Rising Son." I've done some versions of that before, but not this tripped out version by Detroit's one-hit wonders Frigid Pink.

But we can't forget Katrina and we should acknowledge the Queen of Gulf Coast Blues, here singing Randy Newman's great "Louisiana 1927" at a Katrina benefit.

Indiana songs are harder to come by. I could do "The Banks of the Wabash" or "Down Home Again in Indiana. Or - for those of you of a certain age - I can do this.

But I should also pick a good song.

For the Saints.

For the Colts

And even for the old Colts

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