Thursday, June 17, 2010

Shark on Wisconsin Eye

Yesterday, I had the privilege to join retired Judge David Deininger (a current member of the Government Accountability Board) and host Steven Walters (former chief of the Journal Sentinel's Madison Bureau) on Legally Speaking, a production of Wisconsin Eye. We discussed the division on the Wisconsin Supreme Court and related issues, including recusal and the disciplinary proceeding involving Justice Gableman. You can watch it here.

We can expect to see a lot from the Court in the coming weeks. It generally tries to wrap up its term by the end of June or the first part of July and generally will decide all cases argued during the term.

There are over forty cases that have been argued this term and have yet to be decided. While they are all important in their own way, some address major unresolved legal and policy questions, including the validity of the Wisconsin marriage amendment, Milwaukee's sick pay ordinance,* and the legislature's $ 200 million dollar "raid" on the Patients Compensation Fund. It will address the Gableman case and a number of interesting criminal cases.

* Over at the law school blog, one of Justice Gableman's outgoing clerks reminds me that the Milwaukee sick pay case, although accepted for review, has not yet been argued. We won't see it decided this summer.

Cross posted at Marquette University Law School Faculty Blog.

1 comment:

  1. WisconsinEye is a treasure. It is unfortunate for many Milwaukee and Fox Valley residents that Time-Warner Cable dropped them. Similarly, dozens of local community television channels around the state do a great job of documenting many government meetings.

    Your link doesn't work. I don't think you can link directly to the stream, but here's a link to the show.
