Tuesday, March 29, 2011

More on the Supreme Court Race

My piece on the race is up on Bench Memos at NRO.


  1. Time to "get even" with the public employee unions for supporting Democrats, right? Time to get even with all those recycling programs, those farmland preservation programs, those people with careers in the Dept. of Commerce.

  2. Anonymous6:36 PM

    TLDR: Rick Esenberg doesn't like French people or black people. Neither does David Prosser. Vote Prosser!

    Please post your pictures of all the Sartre quotations on protest signs around the Capitol. I'm sure you have dozens of them.

  3. Rick Esenberg doesn't like French people or black people.

  4. ---Rick Esenberg doesn't like French people or black people. ---

    I smell a union thug.

  5. Anonymous12:32 AM

    "He received overwhelming public support in his election to his current term"

    lol he ran unopposed

  6. There is always a reason you run unopposed, "lol," it is because no one thinks they can beat you. Anyone who understands judicial elections - especially supreme court elections - knows that does not happen by accident. You marsahll resources and support and create an aura of invincibility.

  7. Time to buy more Brasso for your aura-polishing.

  8. George Mitchell8:15 AM

    Excellent piece, Rick. We all get the stakes.

    We would benefit from your thoughts on yesterday's court proceedings in Madison.

  9. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Great piece. Prosser like Crooks is something of an old time Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice trapped in the age of hyper partisanship on the courts. Back in the day the were sharp ideological divisions on the courts but the decisions were generally unanimous or almost so and the justices got along because they all agreed as to what their role was as justices. That is not the case today. Also key: Prosser is not actually a "right wing justice" of any kind; historically his positions have been princpled but all over the place ideologically.
