Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Electioneering at the Polling Places.

The GAB has apparently decided that it is OK for people to circulate recall petitions at polling places inside the 100 foot buffer zone - subject to certain restrictions. That's a plausible interpretation of the law but not the only one.

Sec. 12.03(2)(b)1 provides that "[n]o person may engage in electioneering during polling hours on any public property on election day within 100 feet of an entrance to a building containing a polling place." Electioneering is defined as "any activity which is intended to influence voting at an election." Sec. 12.03(4)

In the context of this election, I am not sure that soliciting recall petitions isn't designed to influence voting. I am not sure I'd disagree with the GAB or would go the other way. I am generally loathe to support interpretations of the law that restrict speech or electoral advocacy.

I wouldn't be surprised if we start to see allegations that petition circulators are crossing the line.


  1. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Who wants to do this? I think the idea is nuts.

  2. Where I voted today, it appeared circulators had crossed the line (literally and figuratively) although I did not have a tape measure with me.

    As part of the great unwashed, I cannot speak to the law.
    However, I felt influenced to vote FOR Walker supporters
