Monday, May 20, 2013

Best wishes for Mr. Zielinski

News is that Graeme Zielinski has resigned from the employ of the state Democratic Party. There is no sense in sugar coating Graeme Zielinski. He cultivated a singularly mean spirited and hateful public persona. One can only hope it was an act. That he actually believed the things he said is a scary thought.

My own view is that these scorched earth verbal ejaculations are of little value and counterproductive. But folks on both the left and right continue to indulge them, so I suspect I am wrong. Maybe they keep the base riled up and make some headway among the undecided - and largely uninterested and uninformed - voters who decide close elections.

Still there are things that are bigger than politics. He says he is facing a "health scare" and I wish him well.

When he comes back, I hope he will have learned something. You can have strong opinions without hating people who disagree.

Cross posted at Purple Wisconsin

1 comment:

  1. George Mitchell8:54 PM

    "Maybe they keep the base riled up and make some headway among the undecided - and largely uninterested and uninformed - voters who decide close elections."

    Before you go elitist, professor, you really should do your homework, rather make generalizations regarding the background of undecided voters. When your students make such statements without evidence, do you give them a free pass?
